We’re Building a House!!

We did something scary, awesome, crazy and exciting all at the same time… we are building a house! And boy has it been an adventure so far! We have been on this journey since fall/winter of last year and signed all the papers for this one finally in February! We had been looking at a few other options, thought we had found something we loved but it didn’t work out, kept looking, and then found something that worked PERFECT for us and that we loved even more! 

It’s amazing how much the lord knows what’s best for you and helps guide you in the right direction even if you don’t know it yet! I remember when Tyler and I first had the idea that we wanted to buy our first home and we spent so many nights praying about the decision and the multiple directions we could go. We both had an overwhelming feeling of love from our savior overcome us and a feeling of family, both being close to our families and one day starting our own! We knew this was the right decision for us and I couldn’t be more comforted or excited!

So we are building our first little home out in Herriman! In a location I am OBSESSED with! The community is incredible and the area is booming right now! Every day I learn of more and more people who are moving out here to start their own little journeys! It’s been stressful, scary but totally worth it and we can’t wait for them to finish! It should be done in August/beginning of September! 🙂 I can’t wait to post updates about it and continue to document this fun adventure! We are extremely grateful for this opportunity and the thought of starting our own family here one day makes me cry happy tears!
Standing in our lot after signing the papers! It’s cool that we own this little patch of dirt! I’ve never loved dirt so much!
The cute little cutting board Edge Homes gave us after finishing in the design studio! Edge has been insanely incredible to work with! 

The day they dug our hole!!! It’s funny how every time they do something new to our lot we literally freak and nerd out over it like crazy! Huge happy dances every time!
Freaking out because they put in the foundation and plumbing!! It was cool because we weren’t expecting them to be that far yet so it was an awesome surprise! 

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