Welcome to the New Blog & Catching Up

So a couple months ago right after I posted about my fitness, every social media platform decided that “Blogger” (which is what I used to blog) was now considered spam. My posts were deleted from facebook and if I had the old blog linked in my instagram it wouldn’t let me post to instagram! Seriously so weird and frustrating!! So for the past couple months I’ve been working on switching my entire blog to WordPress. I decided to go with an actual domain and going through the whole process of getting a domain and then getting the design of the blog and transferring all of my old posts and information to this blog TOOK FOREVER!! But I finally finished getting it all together and here we are!

Welcome to our new and improved blog WILD WE TRAVEL. I decided to name the blog (and my new instagram that matches it) Wild We Travel because it kind of matches Tyler and I’s personality and life ha ha. We are just traveling through this wild life with its ups and downs and trying to make the most of it. Whether it be traveling, going on adventures, or just chilling at home making memories together through life’s simple every day occurrences. This has just always been my place to post photos, write about life and anything else the peaks my interest. I love this space even if only like 3 people read it ha ha!! It’s a fun hobby and break from work and actually super therapeutic at times to be honest. The instagram, youtube channel, and blog are a fun space for me to get creative or just keep it real with life and have fun. I made a goal this year to take more photos of Tyler and I because the previous year I realized I had gone the entire year and hadn’t taken hardly ANY photos of the two of us. I was too busy taking photos of other people (which is my job and I love it) but it broke my heart to find that I hadn’t documented our own life and time together. I mean I’m a photographer for crying out loud!! Thus the birth of the Wild We Travel account. A place that I could dedicate to creating photos of the two of us and documenting our lives as well without bugging the crap out of people on my personal instagram account ha ha. People can follow if they won’t or not and that’s totally fine. I absolutely loved how this blog turned out and I can’t wait to start catching up on posting! So here are some major things that have gone down since I last blogged!

My little brother Ryan left on a two year mission for the Church of Jesus Christ to Spokane Washington. He’s actually coming up on his year mark in August (that shows how long it’s been since I’ve blogged ha ha) But WOW no one can prepare you for this moment. The moment of saying goodbye to your brother for two years. We are a very tight-knit family and my brother and sister are my closest friends. We absolutely adore Ryan and saying goodbye was the hardest thing I think we’ve all done. It was very bittersweet. We were all SO EXCITED and happy for him but it still doesn’t make saying goodbye any easier. We all bawled the entire day after leaving him at the MTC. But I can’t begin to describe how much he LOVES his mission and how he is thriving and living it up out there. He is such a huge example to me in my life. I’m so incredibly proud of him and love him so much.

Tyler and I went on a trip to Disneyworld and Universal Studios in Florida! This has been on Tyler and I’s bucket list for years ha ha. Tyler and I both went to Disneyworld when we were younger but have pretty much forgotten how it was. So this trip was a BLAST. Disney has such a special place in our hearts. It’s one of the places that we really leave the outside world behind and have the time of our lives, completely carefree. We could never ever get sick of Disney and specifically Disneyland. We feel like it’s our home away from home and we totally crave going back all of the time. We LOVED AVATAR LAND. Pandora was breathtaking. I’ve never seen anything like it!! So much detail and accuracy to the movie. And the main ride “Flight of Passage” uses the craziest technology EVER. I’ve never been on a ride like that. SO ridiculously fun! One of our other fave parts of Disneyworld was EPCOT!! Oh my GOSH I feel like Epcot doesn’t get enough attention. That place is incredible!! The attention to detail in the various countries fueled our wanderlust BIG TIME!! I want to go to Morocco one day so stopping in that country I hoped would help convince Tyler to get on board with that one 😉 ha ha! Going to Universal Studios was a blast as well. We love Harry Potter almost as much as Disney so we repped our Harry Potter shirts and drank plenty of butter beer. We laughed so hard on this trip and I’ll keep the memories dear to my heart.

I turned 26!! It was a great birthday! We got some Crumbl and had a fun day!

Fall came and went! My very favorite season! 🙂 Sarah and I had fun taking photos in the cutest pumpkin patch by my house. I really would trade summer, winter and spring for fall year round! We also dressed up as Max+Roxanne from a Goofy Movie this year for Halloween ha ha! We had done Tim Burton characters for the past two years so I thought we would switch it up! I also had a shoot like every day leading up to the day of our Halloween Party and I had a shoot ON THE DAY OF the party so we needed something fast and simple. I thought it turned out awesome!! I can’t wait for this next Halloween already ha ha!

Other things that have happened in the past few months in no particular order are selling MY JEEP!! Oh my gosh. My trusty, amazing, Jeep liberty sport that I’ve had for the last 10 years. It was so hard for me to sell this car. I got the “Smilee Jeep” when I turned 16 and I have treasured that car. SO many memories driving around during high school, college, road trips, my first years of marriage and so much more. I bought my first car a Kia Sportage and I love it! But that jeep will always have such a special place in my heart

Tyler had emergency surgery to get his gallbladder out after THEE WORST gallstone episode. It was seriously so scary and it happened on our 4 year anniversary ha ha! So we spent the entire day in the hospital. Tyler had never had surgery before so he was super nervous but his dad, uncle and my brother-in-law Connor came to give him a blessing. A huge thanks to Connor for staying with Tyler while I ran home to change clothes and let our dog out before running back to find my mom there as well and the rest of my family showing up to wait while he was in surgery and to support him while he was in recovery. It was an extremely rough recovery. He didn’t come out of the surgery well and had to stay in recovery for close to 3 hours before they cleared him to come back to the room. He’s doing MUCH better now and is finally getting used to eating most normal foods again!

We also attempted to take a quick family photo in the freezing cold ha ha! It lasted for about 5 minutes before we called it quits because we were shaking too hard. Shoutout to my sister for snapping it with my camera ha ha!

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