Old Pals and Coconut Rice Gelato

It’s crazy when you haven’t seen some friends for 2-3 years and then all of a sudden you all decide to catch up! It’s so refreshing! My friend Dhane came home from his mission last week and we went on a little adventure with some old pals that I just love! It was so fun…

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Happy Valentine’s Day!

//player.vimeo.com/video/86684502 Happy Valentine’s Day from Emilie Ann on Vimeo. Happy Valentine’s day to this incredible boy! We are both SO happy that this is the last one we will have apart. He is amazing in every single way and I’m so grateful that I have him in my life! Time is flying so fast and…

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Six more months. Let’s hope they fly as fast as all the others.

Favorite Colors

In my Color photography class at UVU we had to do a series of photos displaying our favorite color. I’ve always said that my favorite color is yellow. I guess because it reminds me of the sun, summer, heat and it’s just a bright happy color. I think I gravitate towards that color because that’s…

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Creativity for Creativity’s Sake: The Start of a Project

Photography is more than just a job for me, it’s a way of life and expression. I am obsessed with a lot of things, but two things in particular are my outlet for creativity and all the inner workings of my mind. Photography and Videos. I’ve been wanting to start a project like this for…

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2014… Our Year

It was so cold outside. I had no idea what you were doing and why you were leading me out into the falling snow. Your hand was warm in mine and you were almost running out of excitement. We stopped in the middle of the street. I gave a small smile. One of those smiles…

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Let’s Start a Blog

Only being able to communicate in letters and emails is such a funny thing. Conversations take months to finish, questions take weeks to be answered, but you don’t mind it at all because you love each other so much. But some of these conversations that take months to finish spark lovely ideas. And this blog…

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