Old Pals and Coconut Rice Gelato

It’s crazy when you haven’t seen some friends for 2-3 years and then all of a sudden you all decide to catch up! It’s so refreshing! My friend Dhane came home from his mission last week and we went on a little adventure with some old pals that I just love! It was so fun to see what was happening in everyone’s lives and to just have such a fun night laughing, playing games and eating gelato! 

I’ve lived in Utah most of my life and I STILL to this day find new and fun things to do! I had never been to this little gelato cafe before near downtown SLC and I just fell in LOVE! I could have lived in that little place! There was amazing art just smothering the walls, crazy light fixtures, couches and chairs to just chill, and they played the most amazing music from french tunes to “At Last” and other chill songs. And don’t even get me STARTED on the gelato! I love trying new things, and if there’s a weird sounding flavor of anything, I’ll try it at least once! 🙂 Can’t dis it till ya try it right? Well anyways, I got this cup of Coconut Rice gelato that literally had this rice that is used often in Thailand and it was INCREDIBLE! Seriously so good! Other flavors included cookie butter, lavender honey, sweet potato,  root beer float, and all the other normal amazing flavors that come as gelato. This place is definitely going on the list of places I need to take Tyler to when he gets home *cough* in 4 months! AH! 🙂 Seriously so soon.

“Save the earth. It’s the only planet with gelato.” 
I couldn’t agree more!! 😉

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