
All I can say is this summer has FLOWN by! This has been the fastest summer ever and I’m not complaining! My favorite season is right around the corner and there’s an awesome rainstorm happening outside my window right now that’s giving me all those fall vibes! 🙂 So where to begin?! Lot’s of things have been happening around here so I’ll just document with all the photos as well! 
Our house is going to be finished THIS MONTH!! We should be closing on it at the end of the month and moving in shortly after! We seriously cannot wait! The walls are painted, the floors and cabinets are in and everything is coming together perfectly! It can’t be finished soon enough!! This photo was taken when the framing was finished! It’s crazy how far we’ve come since then!
Tyler went on a business trip to New York City for two weeks!! He learned a lot and met a lot of awesome people from all over the world who had flown in for the trip. He was one of the only LDS people there as well and everyone was super weirded out that he didn’t drink coffee and didn’t want to go clubbing after the work day had ended. It turned into an awesome experience for Tyler to tell them a little about our church and why we live the way we do. He was able to walk around and see some sights! I told him next time I’m totally coming because 2 weeks was too long and I was so jealous because I LOVE New York City!! xoxo gossip girl 😉

I just love this shot Tyler took of downtown salt lake city!! So cool that he works down there!
So kinda crazy but I broke my Diet Coke fast. I went ONE WHOLE YEAR without drinking diet coke. And anyone who knows me knows that that is LITERALLY insanity. But I was like morbidly addicted to it and it needed to stop. And then I started to get competitive with myself and before you know it I hadn’t had a diet coke for a year! I had my first diet coke in a year at Disneyland and I don’t regret it one bit! And what I’ve learned from now drinking it for a year was…. well…. really nothing ha ha ha ha ha!! As a matter of fact I’m kind of MAD I did it. I would try to substitute other things like lemonade or powerade and I already drink a ton of water but you know what. THOSE DRINKS HAVE SUGAR! And let me tell you, sugar is NOT MY FRIEND. So I might end up with dementia or other diseases one day by drinking this stuff, but oh well because it’s just too good and sugar free yo. And I had TWO BRIDES this year who share my diet coke passions with me and we were literally like soul sisters. Meant to be I tell you! And let’s all be honest, soda in general isn’t very good for you. But I’d rather have diet coke or diet doctor pepper than a sugary sprite or drink! #sorrynotsorry

Hiking and enjoying nature! I’m going to try to be more of a photographer in my actual life ha ha ha!! Instead of just weddings! I used to be so good at photographing Tyler and I and what we do with my good camera and I’m going to try to make it a goal to get back to that!

I’m always taking selfies with Ivy babe. And as you can tell she’s always thrilled.

We’ve been swimming quite a bit this summer! Living it up! 

Doing my photographer thang! I LOVE anniversary shoots! Seeing my couples again and photographing them again is seriously the most fun thing ever! Gosh I have the best couples and brides in the world!

I GOT GLASSES!!! 🙂 Looking at the computer, editing for so long has really taken a toll on my eye-sight! So it was time to get glasses! 🙂 

Jessie girl got married to her man Josh and they are perfect together!! So happy for this beautiful best friend of mine!! Isn’t she seriously stunning?!? Like not even real or fair. 

cute pic of donuts from national donut day! 

went on a double date with these two babes! I have the cutest sister-in-law Whitney! She is seriously so darling and is a GENIUS! She is studying bio-medical (oh my gosh I hope that’s right I mess it up every time when I tell people ha ha ha ha ha) and wants to work in a lab one day! She just aced her Anatomy test and it blows my mind how smart she is! And she’s so passionate about what she’s learning! I love people who are passionate! She’s also one of my biggest cheerleaders with my photography and my life ha ha ha! Ever since I met this cute girl she’s been the sweetest in the world to me and I love her dearly!! I’m lucky to have awesome family!! 

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  1. First of all, way to go with the dieting/lifestyle changes! I'm trying to start the same sort of thing… and it's so hard to get going! Props to you 🙂 I can't wait to hear about your progress, things like that inspire me to do better with my goals too!Also, you would look super cute with shorter hair! I mean, I love your long hair in all of your photos but I think you could totally rock the long bob with your style. Lastly, so glad to see you blogging some more! I always love to read your posts. 🙂

  2. First of all, way to go with the dieting/lifestyle changes! I'm trying to start the same sort of thing… and it's so hard to get going! Props to you 🙂 I can't wait to hear about your progress, things like that inspire me to do better with my goals too!Also, you would look super cute with shorter hair! I mean, I love your long hair in all of your photos but I think you could totally rock the long bob with your style. Lastly, so glad to see you blogging some more! I always love to read your posts. 🙂

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