I Cut My Hair!?

 You guys. I literally can’t believe I did this. In what world would I ever cut my hair? I have seriously been trying to grow my hair out since 7th grade. No joke. I have the thinnest, finest hair out of anyone I have ever met. If it looks thick in photos… trust me it’s a lie! ha ha ha ha. I have tried everything from every type of shampoo, hair extensions (if you ever have questions about fine hair and hair extensions totally ask me because I have done it all man), different layers to try to make my hair look thick. Buuuut NOTHING. But my heart has always longed for long, beautiful mermaid hair! My mom and sister have been telling me to cut my hair short for years, but I’ve always been in complete denial and horrified that if I ever cut it, that it wouldn’t ever grow back! 

But… I DID IT! 🙂 I gave up on the long hair, pain in the butt dream and accepted my new destiny in the short hair club! And let me tell you… I LOVE IT!!! Oh my GOSH why didn’t I do this years ago?! It’s fun, light, extension-free and surprisingly way easier to maintain and do! I’m seriously kicking myself for not having the guts to do this earlier! I feel like a totally new person! It’s amazing how a new haircut can make you feel like a million bucks! Especially with something you’ve felt so self-conscious about for so long! So I’m embracing my thin, fine hair and this fun new do and I’m really happy about it! Yay for doing scary things!! ha ha ha! 


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